W1. GW150914

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $28^{+2}_{-1.7}$ -- $30.4$
$q$ $1.19^{+0.45}_{-0.17}$ -- $1.21$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $35.5^{+5.8}_{-3.6}$ -- $38.5$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $29.5^{+3.6}_{-5}$ -- $31.7$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $480^{+140}_{-150}$ -- $320$
$\iota$ $2.45^{+0.47}_{-2.15}$ -- $1.82$
$\Delta t_c$ $-0.0056^{+0.0056}_{-0.0028}$ -- $-0.0052$
$z$ $0.101^{+0.027}_{-0.031}$ -- $0.069$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $-2.2^{+7.5}_{-4.3}$ -- $3$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $32^{+41}_{-28}$ -- $43$
SNR $22.3^{+1.6}_{-22.3}$ -- $24$

$t_0$: 1126259462.42

Detectors: H1, L1

Number of posterior samples: 67940

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W2. GW151012

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $14.8^{+1.7}_{-1.1}$ -- $15.8$
$q$ $1.85^{+2.01}_{-0.76}$ -- $1.30$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $23.5^{+11.5}_{-5.4}$ -- $20.7$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $12.6^{+4.4}_{-3.9}$ -- $15.9$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $1150^{+320}_{-420}$ -- $610$
$\iota$ $2.40^{+0.45}_{-0.65}$ -- $1.53$
$\Delta t_c$ $0.0268^{+0.0015}_{-0.0026}$ -- $0.0261$
$z$ $0.225^{+0.054}_{-0.076}$ -- $0.127$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $0.002^{+5.2}_{-4.5}$ -- $6.3$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $8.4^{+18.8}_{-7.5}$ -- $48.2$
SNR $6.5^{+2.7}_{-6.5}$ -- $9.4$

$t_0$: 1128678900.44

Detectors: H1, L1

Number of posterior samples: 54003

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W3. GW151226

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $8.73^{+0.35}_{-0.25}$ -- $8.90$
$q$ $2.07^{+0.98}_{-0.65}$ -- $2.85$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $14.6^{+3.6}_{-2.7}$ -- $17.7$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $7.1^{+1.4}_{-1.2}$ -- $6.2$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $550^{+150}_{-190}$ -- $450$
$\iota$ $2.45^{+0.45}_{-1.94}$ -- $2.40$
$\Delta t_c$ $-0.0099^{+0.0030}_{-0.0010}$ -- $-0.0094$
$z$ $0.114^{+0.028}_{-0.038}$ -- $0.094$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $0.1^{+1.5}_{-1.7}$ -- $1$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $5.8^{+11.3}_{-5.3}$ -- $10.2$
SNR $9^{+3.9}_{-9}$ -- $13$

$t_0$: 1135136350.64

Detectors: H1, L1

Number of posterior samples: 78518

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W4. GW170104

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $21^{+2.7}_{-2.5}$ -- $23.3$
$q$ $2.04^{+1.32}_{-0.92}$ -- $1.80$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $35^{+10}_{-10}$ -- $36$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $17^{+7.1}_{-4.1}$ -- $20.1$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $1060^{+500}_{-460}$ -- $460$
$\iota$ $2.08^{+0.83}_{-1.74}$ -- $1.02$
$\Delta t_c$ $-0.0108^{+0.0312}_{-0.0088}$ -- $-0.0080$
$z$ $0.208^{+0.085}_{-0.084}$ -- $0.097$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $-0.2^{+11}_{-19}$ -- $0.2$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $28^{+76}_{-24}$ -- $2$
SNR $11.7^{+1.6}_{-11.7}$ -- $13.5$

$t_0$: 1167559936.6

Detectors: H1, L1

Number of posterior samples: 59060

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W5. GW170608

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $7.9^{+2.8}_{-1.9}$ -- $7.9$
$q$ $2.3^{+1.1}_{-1.2}$ -- $1.8$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $14.1^{+3.3}_{-6.2}$ -- $12.2$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $6.05^{+4.87}_{-0.93}$ -- $6.92$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $370^{+100}_{-150}$ -- $340$
$\iota$ $0.73^{+1.29}_{-0.44}$ -- $2.37$
$\Delta t_c$ $0.0140^{+0.0011}_{-0.0025}$ -- $0.0132$
$z$ $0.079^{+0.020}_{-0.031}$ -- $0.074$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $0.001^{+1.5}_{-3.1}$ -- $-1.1$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $9.4^{+46.8}_{-8.4}$ -- $14.8$
SNR $11.8^{+3.4}_{-11.8}$ -- $15.3$

$t_0$: 1180922494.49

Detectors: H1, L1

Number of posterior samples: 75405

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W6. GW170729

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $33.2^{+7.3}_{-5.4}$ -- $44.3$
$q$ $1.56^{+1.04}_{-0.52}$ -- $1.03$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $49^{+12}_{-10}$ -- $52$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $31^{+12}_{-10}$ -- $50$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $3300^{+1400}_{-1600}$ -- $1700$
$\iota$ $1.90^{+0.89}_{-1.58}$ -- $1.52$
$\Delta t_c$ $0.0104^{+0.0377}_{-0.0063}$ -- $0.0157$
$z$ $0.55^{+0.19}_{-0.24}$ -- $0.31$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $-3^{+28}_{-25}$ -- $13$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $20^{+51}_{-18}$ -- $39$
SNR $8.7^{+1.2}_{-8.7}$ -- $10.1$

$t_0$: 1185389807.3

Detectors: H1, L1, V1

Number of posterior samples: 47618

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W7. GW170809

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $25^{+3.1}_{-2.3}$ -- $25.8$
$q$ $1.60^{+0.89}_{-0.55}$ -- $2.28$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $37^{+9.6}_{-7.9}$ -- $45.6$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $22.8^{+6.7}_{-5}$ -- $19.9$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $1080^{+370}_{-370}$ -- $960$
$\iota$ $2.55^{+0.38}_{-0.57}$ -- $2.39$
$\Delta t_c$ $-0.0425^{+0.0037}_{-0.0041}$ -- $-0.0428$
$z$ $0.212^{+0.063}_{-0.067}$ -- $0.190$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $2^{+11}_{-13}$ -- $12$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $30^{+41}_{-26}$ -- $60$
SNR $10.4^{+1.7}_{-10.4}$ -- $12.3$

$t_0$: 1186302519.8

Detectors: H1, L1, V1

Number of posterior samples: 60057

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W8. GW170814

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $24.4^{+1.6}_{-1.4}$ -- $24.9$
$q$ $1.14^{+0.37}_{-0.12}$ -- $1.07$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $30.1^{+4.7}_{-2.6}$ -- $29.6$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $26.3^{+2.5}_{-3.8}$ -- $27.7$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $590^{+140}_{-170}$ -- $570$
$\iota$ $0.62^{+1.79}_{-0.39}$ -- $0.64$
$\Delta t_c$ $0.0034^{+0.0020}_{-0.0017}$ -- $0.0042$
$z$ $0.123^{+0.026}_{-0.032}$ -- $0.118$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $-0.9^{+4.1}_{-3.4}$ -- $-2.7$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $14^{+26}_{-13}$ -- $22$
SNR $15.5^{+1.8}_{-15.5}$ -- $17.5$

$t_0$: 1186741861.53

Detectors: H1, L1, V1

Number of posterior samples: 71920

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W9. GW170817

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $1.1866^{+0.0021}_{-0.0020}$ -- $1.1864$
$q$ $1.012^{+0.020}_{-0.011}$ -- $1.006$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $1.3714^{+0.0143}_{-0.0081}$ -- $1.3667$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $1.3545^{+0.0081}_{-0.0137}$ -- $1.3590$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $41.6^{+1.9}_{-1.3}$ -- $41.9$
$\iota$ $2.64^{+0.15}_{-0.12}$ -- $2.68$
$\Delta t_c$ $0.03174^{+0.00091}_{-0.00063}$ -- $0.03070$
$z$ $0.00933^{+0.00042}_{-0.00029}$ -- $0.00940$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $-0.04^{+0.33}_{-0.30}$ -- $0.46$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $14^{+27}_{-12}$ -- $49$
SNR $30.4^{+2.4}_{-30.4}$ -- $32.9$

$t_0$: 1187008882.4

Detectors: H1, L1, V1

Number of posterior samples: 36491

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W10. GW170818

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $27.1^{+3.4}_{-3.3}$ -- $26.5$
$q$ $1.33^{+0.71}_{-0.30}$ -- $1.56$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $36.4^{+8.1}_{-6}$ -- $38.3$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $27.1^{+5.8}_{-6.5}$ -- $24.5$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $1230^{+910}_{-440}$ -- $870$
$\iota$ $2.42^{+0.48}_{-1.78}$ -- $2.45$
$\Delta t_c$ $-0.0071^{+0.0088}_{-0.0022}$ -- $-0.0092$
$z$ $0.238^{+0.147}_{-0.078}$ -- $0.174$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $3^{+14}_{-17}$ -- $-3$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $29^{+40}_{-25}$ -- $16$
SNR $9.9^{+1.5}_{-9.9}$ -- $11.6$

$t_0$: 1187058327.1

Detectors: H1, L1, V1

Number of posterior samples: 66669

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W11. GW170823

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $28.1^{+4.7}_{-4.1}$ -- $29.8$
$q$ $1.56^{+1.15}_{-0.51}$ -- $1.13$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $41.3^{+11.4}_{-8.8}$ -- $36.5$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $26.2^{+8.3}_{-8}$ -- $32.1$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $2350^{+1120}_{-900}$ -- $2120$
$\iota$ $0.87^{+1.83}_{-0.60}$ -- $2.19$
$\Delta t_c$ $0.0030^{+0.0379}_{-0.0051}$ -- $-0.0006$
$z$ $0.42^{+0.16}_{-0.14}$ -- $0.38$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $-2^{+26}_{-23}$ -- $-9$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $24^{+50}_{-21}$ -- $21$
SNR $9.9^{+1.3}_{-9.9}$ -- $11.3$

$t_0$: 1187529256.5

Detectors: H1, L1

Number of posterior samples: 46188

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W12. GW190425

A1. Parameter Estimates

Parameter 90% Credible Interval Maximum Posterior Maximum Likelihood
$\mathcal{M}_c (M_\odot)$ $1.422^{+0.014}_{-0.014}$ -- $1.431$
$q$ $1.050^{+0.065}_{-0.045}$ -- $1.075$
$m_1 (M_\odot)$ $1.675^{+0.053}_{-0.040}$ -- $1.705$
$m_2 (M_\odot)$ $1.593^{+0.040}_{-0.049}$ -- $1.586$
$d_L$ (Mpc) $208^{+48}_{-46}$ -- $176$
$\iota$ $2.69^{+0.29}_{-0.35}$ -- $2.49$
$\Delta t_c$ $0.00029^{+0.00144}_{-0.00086}$ -- $0.00105$
$z$ $0.045^{+0.010}_{-0.010}$ -- $0.039$
$A_\mathrm{eff} (GeV^{-1})$ $-0.13^{+1.01}_{-0.81}$ -- $0.60$
$M_\mathrm{PV}^{-1} (GeV^{-1})$ $9^{+14.7}_{-8.1}$ -- $15.4$
SNR $9.5^{+2.8}_{-9.5}$ -- $12.4$

$t_0$: 1240215503.0

Detectors: L1, V1

Number of posterior samples: 82919

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