@article{Wang:2023qgw,author={Wang, Yi-Fan and Nitz, Alexander H.},title={{Targeted Search for Gravitational Waves from Highly Spinning Light Compact Binaries}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.1093/mnras/stae091},journal={Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.},volume={528},pages={3891--3896},year={2024},dimensions={true},}
Low evidence for ringdown overtone in GW150914 when marginalizing over time and sky location uncertainty
Alex Correia , Yi-Fan Wang , Julian Westerweck , and 1 more author
@article{Correia:2023bfn,author={Correia, Alex and Wang, Yi-Fan and Westerweck, Julian and Capano, Collin D.},title={{Low evidence for ringdown overtone in GW150914 when marginalizing over time and sky location uncertainty}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={gr-qc},month=dec,year={2023},}
A frequency-domain perspective on GW150914 ringdown overtone
Yi-Fan Wang , Collin D. Capano , Jahed Abedi , and 5 more authors
@article{Wang:2023xsy,author={Wang, Yi-Fan and Capano, Collin D. and Abedi, Jahed and Kastha, Shilpa and Krishnan, Badri and Nielsen, Alex B. and Nitz, Alexander H. and Westerweck, Julian},title={{A frequency-domain perspective on GW150914 ringdown overtone}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={gr-qc},reportnumber={LIGO-P2300340},month=oct,year={2023},}
Spectroscopy for asymmetric binary black hole mergers
Jahed Abedi , Collin D. Capano , Shilpa Kastha , and 5 more authors
@article{Abedi:2023kot,author={Abedi, Jahed and Capano, Collin D. and Kastha, Shilpa and Nitz, Alexander H. and Wang, Yi-Fan and Westerweck, Julian and Nielsen, Alex B. and Krishnan, Badri},title={{Spectroscopy for asymmetric binary black hole mergers}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={gr-qc},doi={10.1103/PhysRevD.108.104009},journal={Phys. Rev. D},volume={108},number={10},pages={104009},year={2023},}
4-OGC: Catalog of Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Mergers
Alexander H. Nitz , Sumit Kumar , Yi-Fan Wang , and 5 more authors
@article{Nitz:2021zwj,author={Nitz, Alexander H. and Kumar, Sumit and Wang, Yi-Fan and Kastha, Shilpa and Wu, Shichao and Sch\"afer, Marlin and Dhurkunde, Rahul and Capano, Collin D.},title={{4-OGC: Catalog of Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Mergers}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.3847/1538-4357/aca591},journal={Astrophys. J.},volume={946},number={2},pages={59},year={2023},}
Multimode Quasinormal Spectrum from a Perturbed Black Hole
Collin D. Capano , Miriam Cabero , Julian Westerweck , and 6 more authors
@article{Capano:2021etf,author={Capano, Collin D. and Cabero, Miriam and Westerweck, Julian and Abedi, Jahed and Kastha, Shilpa and Nitz, Alexander H. and Wang, Yi-Fan and Nielsen, Alex B. and Krishnan, Badri},title={{Multimode Quasinormal Spectrum from a Perturbed Black Hole}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={gr-qc},doi={10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.221402},journal={Phys. Rev. Lett.},volume={131},number={22},pages={221402},year={2023},}
Statistical validation of the detection of a sub-dominant quasi-normal mode in GW190521
Collin D. Capano , Jahed Abedi , Shilpa Kastha , and 6 more authors
@article{Capano:2022zqm,author={Capano, Collin D. and Abedi, Jahed and Kastha, Shilpa and Nitz, Alexander H. and Westerweck, Julian and Wang, Yi-Fan and Cabero, Miriam and Nielsen, Alex B. and Krishnan, Badri},title={{Statistical validation of the detection of a sub-dominant quasi-normal mode in GW190521}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={gr-qc},month=sep,year={2022},}
Search for Coincident Gravitational Waves and Long Gamma-Ray Bursts from 4-OGC and the Fermi-GBM/Swift-BAT Catalog
Yi-Fan Wang , Alexander H. Nitz , Collin D. Capano , and 3 more authors
@article{Wang:2022pbt,author={Wang, Yi-Fan and Nitz, Alexander H. and Capano, Collin D. and Wang, Xiangyu Ivy and Yang, Yu-Han and Zhang, Bin-Bin},title={{Search for Coincident Gravitational Waves and Long Gamma-Ray Bursts from 4-OGC and the Fermi-GBM/Swift-BAT Catalog}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.3847/2041-8213/ac990c},journal={Astrophys. J. Lett.},volume={939},number={1},pages={L14},year={2022},}
Search for Coincident Gravitational-wave and Fast Radio Burst Events from 4-OGC and the First CHIME/FRB Catalog
@article{Wang:2022ryc,author={Wang, Yi-Fan and Nitz, Alexander H.},title={{Search for Coincident Gravitational-wave and Fast Radio Burst Events from 4-OGC and the First CHIME/FRB Catalog}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.3847/1538-4357/ac82ae},journal={Astrophys. J.},volume={937},number={2},pages={89},year={2022},}
Broad search for gravitational waves from subsolar-mass binaries through LIGO and Virgo’s third observing run
@article{Nitz:2022ltl,author={Nitz, Alexander H. and Wang, Yi-Fan},title={{Broad search for gravitational waves from subsolar-mass binaries through LIGO and Virgo\textquoteright{}s third observing run}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.1103/PhysRevD.106.023024},journal={Phys. Rev. D},volume={106},number={2},pages={023024},year={2022},}
Tests of gravitational-wave birefringence with the open gravitational-wave catalog
Yi-Fan Wang , Stephanie M. Brown , Lijing Shao , and 1 more author
@article{Wang:2021gqm,author={Wang, Yi-Fan and Brown, Stephanie M. and Shao, Lijing and Zhao, Wen},title={{Tests of gravitational-wave birefringence with the open gravitational-wave catalog}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.1103/PhysRevD.106.084005},journal={Phys. Rev. D},volume={106},number={8},pages={084005},year={2022},}
Search for Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of Subsolar-Mass Binaries in the First Half of Advanced LIGO and Virgo’s Third Observing Run
@article{Nitz:2021vqh,author={Nitz, Alexander H. and Wang, Yi-Fan},title={{Search for Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of Subsolar-Mass Binaries in the First Half of Advanced LIGO and Virgo\textquoteright{}s Third Observing Run}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.151101},journal={Phys. Rev. Lett.},volume={127},number={15},pages={151101},year={2021},}
3-OGC: Catalog of Gravitational Waves from Compact-binary Mergers
Alexander H. Nitz , Collin D. Capano , Sumit Kumar , and 5 more authors
@article{Nitz:2021uxj,author={Nitz, Alexander H. and Capano, Collin D. and Kumar, Sumit and Wang, Yi-Fan and Kastha, Shilpa and Sch\"afer, Marlin and Dhurkunde, Rahul and Cabero, Miriam},title={{3-OGC: Catalog of Gravitational Waves from Compact-binary Mergers}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.3847/1538-4357/ac1c03},journal={Astrophys. J.},volume={922},number={1},pages={76},year={2021},}
Search for gravitational waves from the coalescence of sub-solar mass and eccentric compact binaries
@article{Nitz:2021mzz,author={Nitz, Alexander H. and Wang, Yi-Fan},title={{Search for gravitational waves from the coalescence of sub-solar mass and eccentric compact binaries}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.3847/1538-4357/ac01d9},month=feb,year={2021},}
Prospects for detecting gravitational waves from eccentric subsolar mass compact binaries
@article{Wang:2021qsu,author={Wang, Yi-Fan and Nitz, Alexander H.},title={{Prospects for detecting gravitational waves from eccentric subsolar mass compact binaries}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.3847/1538-4357/abe939},journal={Astrophys. J.},volume={912},number={1},pages={53},year={2021},}
The TianQin project: current progress on science and technology
@article{TianQin:2020hid,author={Mei, Jianwei and others},collaboration={TianQin},title={{The TianQin project: current progress on science and technology}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={gr-qc},doi={10.1093/ptep/ptaa114},journal={PTEP},volume={2021},number={5},pages={05A107},year={2021},}
Search for Gravitational Waves from High-Mass-Ratio Compact-Binary Mergers of Stellar Mass and Subsolar Mass Black Holes
@article{Nitz:2020bdb,author={Nitz, Alexander Harvey and Wang, Yi-Fan},title={{Search for Gravitational Waves from High-Mass-Ratio Compact-Binary Mergers of Stellar Mass and Subsolar Mass Black Holes}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.021103},journal={Phys. Rev. Lett.},volume={126},number={2},pages={021103},year={2021},}
Gravitational Wave Implications for the Parity Symmetry of Gravity in the High Energy Region
Yi-Fan Wang , Rui Niu , Tao Zhu , and 1 more author
@article{Wang:2020cub,author={Wang, Yi-Fan and Niu, Rui and Zhu, Tao and Zhao, Wen},title={{Gravitational Wave Implications for the Parity Symmetry of Gravity in the High Energy Region}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={gr-qc},doi={10.3847/1538-4357/abd7a6},journal={Astrophys. J.},volume={908},number={1},pages={58},year={2021},}
Searching for primordial black holes with stochastic gravitational-wave background in the space-based detector frequency band
Yi-Fan Wang , Qing-Guo Huang , Tjonnie G. F. Li , and 1 more author
@article{Wang:2019kzb,author={Wang, Yi-Fan and Huang, Qing-Guo and Li, Tjonnie G. F. and Liao, Shihong},title={{Searching for primordial black holes with stochastic gravitational-wave background in the space-based detector frequency band}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.CO},doi={10.1103/PhysRevD.101.063019},journal={Phys. Rev. D},volume={101},number={6},pages={063019},year={2020},}
Science with the TianQin observatory: Preliminary results on massive black hole binaries
@article{Wang:2019ryf,author={Wang, Hai-Tian and others},title={{Science with the TianQin observatory: Preliminary results on massive black hole binaries}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.HE},doi={10.1103/PhysRevD.100.043003},journal={Phys. Rev. D},volume={100},number={4},pages={043003},year={2019},}
Potential observations of false deviations from general relativity in gravitational wave signals from binary black holes
Peter T. H. Pang , Juan Calderón Bustillo , Yifan Wang , and 1 more author
@article{Pang:2018hjb,author={Pang, Peter T. H. and Calder\'on Bustillo, Juan and Wang, Yifan and Li, Tjonnie G. F.},title={{Potential observations of false deviations from general relativity in gravitational wave signals from binary black holes}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={gr-qc},doi={10.1103/PhysRevD.98.024019},journal={Phys. Rev. D},volume={98},number={2},pages={024019},year={2018},}
Constraints on the sum of neutrino masses using cosmological data including the latest extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample
@article{Wang:2017htc,author={Wang, Sai and Wang, Yi-Fan and Xia, Dong-Mei},title={{Constraints on the sum of neutrino masses using cosmological data including the latest extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.CO},doi={10.1088/1674-1137/42/6/065103},journal={Chin. Phys. C},volume={42},number={6},pages={065103},year={2018},}
Constraints on the Primordial Black Hole Abundance from the First Advanced LIGO Observation Run Using the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background
Sai Wang , Yi-Fan Wang , Qing-Guo Huang , and 1 more author
@article{Wang:2016ana,author={Wang, Sai and Wang, Yi-Fan and Huang, Qing-Guo and Li, Tjonnie G. F.},title={{Constraints on the Primordial Black Hole Abundance from the First Advanced LIGO Observation Run Using the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.CO},doi={10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.191102},journal={Phys. Rev. Lett.},volume={120},number={19},pages={191102},year={2018},}
Impacts of dark energy on weighing neutrinos: mass hierarchies considered
Sai Wang , Yi-Fan Wang , Dong-Mei Xia , and 1 more author
@article{Wang:2016tsz,author={Wang, Sai and Wang, Yi-Fan and Xia, Dong-Mei and Zhang, Xin},title={{Impacts of dark energy on weighing neutrinos: mass hierarchies considered}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.CO},doi={10.1103/PhysRevD.94.083519},journal={Phys. Rev. D},volume={94},number={8},pages={083519},year={2016},}
Smoothing methods comparison for CMB E- and B-mode separation
@article{Wang:2015spv,author={Wang, Yi-Fan and Wang, Kai and Zhao, Wen},title={{Smoothing methods comparison for CMB E- and B-mode separation}},archiveprefix={arXiv},primaryclass={astro-ph.CO},doi={10.1088/1674-4527/16/4/059},journal={Res. Astron. Astrophys.},volume={16},number={4},pages={059},year={2016},}